We boost the transformation of organisations through the growth of their people.

We generate highly efficient management teams and make leadership grow.

Learning organisations

Open in their environment, that activate their strategy and manage their knowledge effectively.

Active teams

That innovate and generate the new value needed to meet the challenges and needs of the future.

Committed people

With the capacity to participate and become boosters of changes.

We empower management teams

Developing learning ecosystems with the elements of positive organisations.

With real challenges and opportunities, practical and participatory learning relies on people’s courage to discover new responses that generate the dynamics of change.


We train the attention and discover the different times of the organisation, of the work teams and of the people.


We strengthen and deploy the personal and professional capabilities of employees and work teams, seeking the potential of all elements.

Bottom up

Encouraging participation to boost organisational transformation

Cooperation and Knowledge

Individual teams learning by cooperating and co-creating, generating an open environment of trust and flexibility, favouring individual initiatives.


Having an environment of trust in which ideas circulate freely, without judgement, eliminating the pressure of the result and seeing error as learning, aiding decision-making.

Assertiveness and Empathy

We discover communication patterns in order to act effectively. We work on active listening to unite and activate the power of teams.

We know that leadership is the key element to manage organisations in complex environments.

We increase people’s leadership by working on their Resonance, capacity for Inspiration and Vision (RIV+ah Model). We increase their commitment, decision-making capacity and positive proactivity.

Strategy for Development

  • Development plans
  • Organisational design and culture
  • Job consolidation
  • Knowledge management
  • Transformation and change

Management development

  • Development of people and teams
  • New Management Skills
  • Leadership for change impact
  • Innovation

Leading the transformation

  • Leadership for Sustainability
  • Digital transformation
  • New business models
  • Organisational redesign
  • Cultural change

Activate your

positive ecosystem


Find out

Identify where you are, define where we want to be and practice leadership through creativity.


Shake it

Awake and reactivate the potential of individuals and teams through experiential workshops.


Hands on

Turn innovation into a dynamiser force for people to achieve new challenges.



We are with you in the definition and development of your own model.
Create your innovation map, toolbox and implementation plan.

Do you want to find out what we do?

We’d love to tell you about it